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Emmanuel Makandiwa Ministers to Thousands During Healing Session

Thousands of people received their healing and transformation on the 7th of May 2019 as the man of God: Emmanuel Makandiwa ministered during the Healing Session at the UFIC Basilica in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe.

With over 2 500 people in attendance, the Healing Session brought about a new divine lease of good health and life to all the people who were present and the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa ministered to each and every person who was in attendance, one by one.

Both young and old, people came with various diseases and conditions; from hypertension, arthritis and sight problems to cancer, bones fractures and addictions. Each and every one of them were in need of a healing touch from God and an encounter with the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa.

As the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa walked in, people began responding to the power of God even before they were touched by the man of God. The atmosphere was saturated with the anointing of God and people began receiving their miracles.

When he started ministering, people received their healing instantly and they were able to do what they could not do before. The demonic spirits that were behind their ill health conditions and cases were uprooted by the power of God through the hands of the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa.

Tears of sorrow and pain were turned into joy and happiness as healing power of Jesus delivered people from various sicknesses and conditions.

One of the amazing things that took place on the day during the ministration by the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa was how people were receiving their healing instantly. Within seconds after ministration, people were healed and were able to do what they could not do before.

One of the amazing instant miracles was that of a lady who had a problem with her spinal cord. She could no longer stretch, turn or bend her neck. Due to the severe pains, she had a neck collar round her neck to minimize the pain by keeping her head and her neck steady. As the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa ministered to her, the power of God touched her in an amazing way. Her facial expression showed that indeed, her healing was taking place and in no time, she removed her neck collar and behold, she was able to bend, turn and stretch her neck, without any pain!

There was another man who had a problem with his ears. He couldn’t hear properly and he had to use hearing aids. As the man of God ministered to him, instantly, his hearing was restored and he could hear properly.

Breaking addictions and setting people free through the healing power of God, Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa ministered to people who were addicted to various things and substances. In one case there was a man who was addicted to alcohol and illicit brew. After he was ministered to by the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa, he could no longer take the same alcohol and illicit brew he was addicted to. According to him, it made him to feel nauseous and it became tasteless. The power of the addiction was broken and he was set free!

One lady had a case of arthritis that affected her back which caused her a lot of pain. She struggled to walk due to the pain and she couldn’t bend her back. As soon as the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa ministered to her, all the pain disappeared and she was able to do what she could not do before. Another lady who couldn’t walk due to severe high blood pressure received here healing instantly and soon after the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa ministered to her, she began to walk without any difficultly.

There was a lady present on the day who had chest pains for more than eight months. After going to the doctors, they found out that there was fluid in one of her lungs and according to her medical reports; the doctors drained over 600 milliliters of that fluid out of her lung. A few months after that medical procedure, she started experiencing the same problem all over again. She had difficulties in breathing and had sharp pain in the chest. But as soon as the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa prayed for her, all the pain disappeared and she was able to breathe properly; she received her healing instantly.

On the day were also people with critical ailments that left them bedridden and some in wheelchairs. But the healing power of Jesus through the hands of the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa touched them in a way that was mind-blowing. As the man of God; Emmanuel Makandiwa ministered to them, they all rose up from their sickbeds; instant divine energy which was a confirmation of their healing and transformation.

Indeed, the power of God is real; it is able to do the impossible and transform people’s lives.

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