Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa, through the Agape Family Care, donated food hampers, clothes and blankets to widows, elderly women, the less privileged on the 27th of July 2018 at the UFIC Headquarters in Harare.
This donation is one of the many donations that Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa, through the Agape Family Care, gives on a monthly basis to widows, orphans and the less privileged.
During the hand-over ceremony, the elderly women sang and danced as they celebrated the wonderful gift that they had received from the loving hands of Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa. For some, this gesture of love touched their hearts and they could not hide their emotions – tears of joy and gratitude.
Each one of the 70 beneficiaries received a 50 kg bag of maize and a grocery hamper.
Part of the group that received donations from Agape on this day were victims of the Mbare fire disaster that left more than 65 people homeless and most of their properties destroyed. On top of the food hampers, Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa went a step further to assist the victims of the fire disaster with clothing, blankets and other basic essentials.
Speaking at the hand-over ceremony, Pastor Nontokozo Paulos, an Agape Family Care representative said, “ Food is a vital and essential need in the lives of every human being…we have so many people who are being assisted by Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa on a monthly basis. And today, we have elderly widows, some of the victims of the Mbare fire disaster, ex convicts and the less privileged who are here to receive from the loving hands of Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa.”
Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa, through the Agape Family Care, has impacted thousands of lives in Zimbabwe with the love of God. In May 2018, Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa celebrated Mothers Day with 220 widows and elderly women in Mt Darwin. Each of the elderly women received a 25 kg sack of maize, a pair of tennis shoes and a blanket.